Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Beta Release

LEBTOP Beta Version 1.1

CALL 040-66588179
(Operators call charges apply for Learners, not for teachers.)

Changes have been made to the initial format of LEBTOP.

Following are details about this release.

  • No TEST
We deleted the initial test and have introduced "Peer Rating System" .

(In Peer Rating System, Users rate each other at the END of a call. The average of all the User ratings for you is calculated and recorded as your RATING.)

  • Press 1 to Teach or 2 to Learn.

Pressing 1 will put in "TEACH MODE" and the call will DISCONNECT.

Pressing 2, you will be in "LEARN MODE" and after 10-15 secs your call will be CONNECTED to an available Teacher, who is RATED higher than you.

  • Rating Method 
Press # to END the call and Enter a rating on a scale of 0-5 for other user.

  • Curriculum
NEWSPAPER Articles on the FRONT PAGE of popular newspapers will be the TOPIC of conversations.
Most of the FRONT PAGE NEWS is similar across many papers.
TEACHing MODE users should read the Article before calling. Important/Difficult words and sentences maybe noted. Enabling a conversation about the topic is important.

Note: Users who have DND (Do not Disturb) Enabled on their Phones please do not Press 1 to Teach, as the System cannot dial your number and so the learners will be kept waiting on call. We will try to solve this problem soon.


-TEACH to LEARN concept is not implemented in this version.
So in this version you dont have to PRESS 1 to teach inorder to Earn your Learning  Minutes.
All Volunteers and good people, who want to TEACH can call and Press 1.

We will include this feature in subsequent release, So that LEARNERS become TEACHERS to some other people and Thus we will have a multiplied impact.

-We also do not presently have in a place the feature to check your RATING. We will incorporate this in next releases.

- With enough number of users and proof of concept , we will try to get a TOLL FREE number.

(Contact us on 9969295759)