Wednesday, July 30, 2014

LEBTOP - Real Purpose

LEBTOP helps the English Learners you think ? Use it to either Learn or Volunteer and discover the real answer.


Ofcourse it helps the learner be more confident in English, get more practice with good speakers on phone, etc .. but it really helps the volunteers more. How you ask ?

Good question, I thought you would never ask ? ;)
Volunteers will get to know different people , some from rural areas, some struggling to get a job, some students, etc.. Speak and Get to know them and that in itself is a great feeling and you can see your perspectives change.

The simple activity of talking to someone to help them is liberating and soon you will agree with this
post and will be Thankful to the many Indian learners who gave you the opportunity for helping them out.

 Now that LEBTOP is shutdown, I can only wish for it to comeback again in a bigger way to create a culture in this Nation - A culture of helping others, even if its as small as "just talking" to them.

A nation or society in which people help each other to grow is the best one to live in, in my opinion. I am confident that a small idea such as LEBTOP has the power to bring about such a change - A change which makes people realize that helping others in reality is helping yourselves.